Yes, You Really Can Save Money on Valentines Day

Nearly everyone loves Valentines Day, and why not. On one day every year, couples can set aside the hectic daily routine to show how much they love each other. Sure, it may be a manufactured holiday, but that doesn't make it any less welcome when February comes rolling along. Celebrating Valentines Day can be delightful, but it can also put a real burden on your budget. It's always tempting to really splurge on the one you love, but you don't want to end up spending more than you can really afford. So, as tempting as it may be to really push the limits of your budget, let's look at a few simple tips to help you save money on Valentines Day.

Agree On a Budget

It may not sound romantic, but it has to be addressed. During the roll up to Valentines Day, take a moment to discuss a firm budget with your partner. You both want to enjoy the day, and celebrate your bond, but neither of you needs to stress about your finances. Talk about your holiday plans, and decide how much you are going to spend on your Valentines Day gifts. You'll save money, and you'll eliminate a lot of the stress associated with the big day.

Valentines Day Cards

Valentines Day cards are certainly not your biggest holiday expense. That being said, the costs of printed cards are always on the rise. Why not save a little money, and do it yourself. You can easily create your own Valentines Day card, that will express your emotions much better than any mass produced greetings card. Get creative. You might want to build a card from scratch, using all the tricks you learned in art class, to create a home made card your partner will never forget. If you were one of those kids who hated art class, you can always go online and use a free card design service to help you create the perfect Valentines Day missive.

Saving On Flowers

Flowers are a Valentines Day staple, and no one wants to pass on the holiday bouquet – even to save a little money. Still, there are ways to send flowers on Valentines Day without going into hock. For example, a bouquet of a dozen roses is always going to be expensive (particularly on Valentines Day), but you can easily create the same wow factor with a half dozen roses and save some serious cash. You could also simply skip the roses entirely, and choose a stunning bouquet of less expensive but equally gorgeous wild flowers. Also, when you order flowers, remember that you will be paying a premium for the delivery service. Why not deliver them in person? You'll save money, and the gift will be much more personal and romantic.

Stay In for the Night

Restaurant owners love Valentines Day, because it means their restaurants are going to be packed with couples celebrating the holiday. Instead of heading out to a favorite restaurant, why not stay in and cook a fabulous meal together. This is quality time, and that's what Valentines Day is all about. Spending time with the one you love, and reveling in their company. Spend the evening cooking a favorite meal together. Open a bottle of wine, light the candles, and let romance rule the evening.

Valentines Day is a delightful holiday, and couples the world over look forward to it every year. Still, it's all too easy to break your budget trying to plan the perfect Valentines celebrations. But the holiday shouldn't be about money, it should be about you and your partner. This year, save a little money, and celebrate with style.

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